Sun Direct keeps on adding and removing channels from its offerings. Now the DTH operator has added six new channels for its customers. Just a few days back, one of its channel packs - ROI HD emerged as one of the cheapest and best HD channel packs to purchase in India. The ROI HD pack comes for Rs 253.39 (exclusive of taxes). Coming back to the six newly added channels to the platform — Kalvi, Russia Today, Enter10 Bangla, Jinvani, Show Box, and Amar Cinema. All of these channels are of different genre. But one thing amongst all of them is common which is that they all are FTA (free-to-air) channels.

Sun Direct Six New Channels

Sun Direct has added six new channels. Let’s take a look at all of them one by one. Firstly, there is Kalvi. It is a Tamil infotainment channel which is available for free at SD quality. The customer can access the content of the channel at channel number 33. Coming to the second newly added channel, Russia Today is an English Channel aimed at providing international news to the customers. It is available for free at SD quality to the customers at channel number 569. The other four newly added channels comprise of two Hindi and two Bengali channels. Talking about the Hindi channels first, there are - Jinvani and Show Box. Jinvani brings customers devotional content at SD quality on channel number 617 for free. While Show Box is a Hindi music channel available to the customers at SD quality for free on channel number 379. As for the two Bengali channels, there are - Enter10 Bangla and Amar Cinema. Enter10 Bangla falls under the genre category of GEC and is available for free at SD quality on channel number 643. The last newly added channel Amar Cinema brings customers Bengali movies for free at SD quality on channel number 646. There are more offers from Sun Direct that are live at the moment. The DTH operator is offering one of its most prominent channel packs Tamil DPO 1 at Rs 999 for 9 months. It is a limited time offer.

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