Fossil Gen 5E is the latest smartwatch to launch in India with WearOS by Google. The Gen 5E, as the name itself suggests, it a stripped-down version of the Fossil Gen 5 that was launched last year. In fact, the Gen 5E was launched in Western markets in October 2020, and it took the company four months to bring the same smartwatch to India. Priced at Rs 18,490, the Fossil Gen 5E comes in two sizes- 44mm for Men and 42mm for Women. Similar to other Fossil smartwatches, the Gen 5E also runs WearOS by Google out of the box. WearOS has an application for both Android and iOS, so for those who are using an iPhone and can’t afford an Apple Watch, the Fossil Gen 5E could be a decent option to purchase. The smartwatch is powered by Qualcomm Snapdragon 3100 SoC.
Fossil Gen 5E: Specifications and Features
The Gen 5E has a circular dial and comes in two sizes- 44mm and 42mm, as mentioned above. It sports a 1.19-inch AMOLED screen with always-on display support. The smartwatch has Accelerometer, Gyroscope, Off-body IR and PPG Heart Rate sensors which help in tracking activity goals, steps, sleep, heart rate, cardio level and more. This smartwatch also has 3 ATM water resistance. Since the Gen 5E is powered by WearOS by Google, it supports notifications for calls, texts, app and automatic time, time zone and calendar syncing. And yes, it also allows you to answer and make calls directly on the watch when the phone is out of reach. Fossil promises 24 hours of battery life with Extended Mode, but users can tweak the Smart Battery Modes offered by WearOS to extend the battery life. The watch comes preloaded with apps like Alarm, Battery-Optimised Activity Mode, Calendar, Cardio Level Tracking, Contacts, Phone Dialer App, Google Assistant, Google Fit, Google Pay, Google Play Store, Spotify, Stopwatch, Timer, Translate and Wellness App with Sleep Tracking. As for the hardware specifications, the Gen 5E is powered by Qualcomm Snapdragon Wear 3100 chipset with 1GB of RAM of 4GB storage that comes in handy for storing music on the smartwatch itself. It has a Home Button to the right and also takes input via touchscreen and voice. The Gen 5E offers loudspeaker and microphone for talking to others in voice calls. Connectivity options include Bluetooth 4.2 LE, NFC and Wi-Fi. As noted, users will have to download the Google WearOS app on their smartphone running at least Android 6.0 or iOS 12.0.
Fossil Gen 5E: Pricing and Availability
The Fossil Gen 5E will retail at Rs 18,490. It is already available for purchase via Fossil’s official website and Flipkart. There are several strap options also available at a starting price of Rs 3,495.